Symposium Sicher fahren in Europa 2006
- Conference (6)
- Konferenz (6)
- Safety (6)
- Sicherheit (6)
- Driver training (2)
- Fahrausbildung (2)
- Motorcyclist (2)
- Motorradfahrer (2)
- Passive safety system (2)
- Passives Sicherheitssystem (2)
The National Roads Authority in Ireland is responsible for planning and supervision of construction and maintenance works on the National Road network. Its primary function is "to secure the provision of a safe and efficient network of national roads". The population of Ireland has grown rapidly from 3.5 million to 4 million within the past 10 years, and vehicle ownership has also risen rapidly to 2 million vehicles, with 2.2 million drivers. Collisions rates in Ireland are at approximately 1.5 collisions per 1,000 population (in 2002), and 8.4 deaths per 1,000,000 population (in 2003). This ranked 8th out of the 15 countries in the European Union at the time. Ireland- current Road Safety Strategy includes Engineering Targets. These are to complete construction of certain lengths of new motorway, dual carriageway and 2+1 highway, to implement a certain number of accident remedial and traffic calming schemes, and to implement road safety audit on all new schemes. The accident remedial schemes, traffic calming schemes, and road safety audit are all the responsibility of the Road Safety section of NRA. The road safety programme of the NRA is divided into four main areas; a) accident remedial measures at individual sites, b) accident remedial treatment of entire routes, c) traffic calming of towns and villages on main roads, d) road safety audit. Examples of these measures are described. Evaluation of past programmes of single site accident remedial measures show a reduction in collision occurrence at these sites, but the effectiveness and the economic rate of return is decreasing over successive programmes. A similar programme has now been adopted on the rest of the country- road network, on regional and local roads. The programme of remedial treatment of entire routes has only recently started and has not been evaluated. Evaluation of the first programme of traffic calming of towns and villages shows an overall decrease in collisions and their severity, and a small reduction in speed. Road Safety Audit, examining new schemes a number of times during design and after construction, has been standard procedure on the national road network for nearly 6 years. An evaluation is currently underway.
Die EU hat für die Verkehrssicherheit in Europa ein anspruchsvolles Ziel vorgegeben: Bis 2010 soll die Anzahl der im Straßenverkehr Getöteten gegenüber 2000 halbiert werden. Für Deutschland kann eine erfolgreiche Zwischenbilanz gezogen werden: In den letzten 5 Jahren nahm trotz Vergrößerung des Kraftfahrzeugbestandes um 6% die Anzahl der Verkehrstoten um 29% ab, in den vergangenen 10 Jahren ist ein Rückgang um 43% zu verzeichnen. Diese im internationalen Vergleich überdurchschnittlichen Erfolge sind nicht zuletzt auch auf Fortschritte in der Fahrzeugtechnik zurückzuführen, wobei die zunehmende Verbreitung von Systemen der Aktiven Sicherheit wie ABS, BAS, ESP einen entscheidenden Anteil hat. Nach der deutlichen Reduzierung von Fahrunfällen durch ESP-® stehen nun die Auffahrunfälle im Fokus der Sicherheitsentwicklung von Mercedes-Benz. Das Paket aus verbessertem rückwärtigen Signalbild (Adaptives Bremslicht) und Brems-Assistent (BAS) wurde kürzlich durch radarbasierte Bremsassistenz ergänzt (BAS PLUS und PRE-SAFE-®-Bremse). Der Beitrag geht auf Funktion und Wirksamkeit der einzelnen Systeme ein und gibt einen Ausblick in die nähere Zukunft.
The Swedish "Vision Zero" regards road fatalities and severe injuries as unacceptable. The vision is based on this ethical perspective together with a fundament of shared responsibility between the system designers and the road user. The design of the traffic system shall protect the road user from these effects as long as he or she follows the traffic rules. It should be possible to make a mistake without being killed. This policy has, during the first period of the "vision zero" (since 1997) put high priority on road and car design where the purpose has been to develop a forgiving environment. Gradually it has, however, become clear that much more effort has to be focused on the responsibility of the road user. Protecting measures will have limited effect as long as the understanding and acceptance from road users is limited. During the last years, Sweden has gone through several improvements of the driver education and is in the middle of important improvements of road safety education for children in schools. Several EU-projects has contributed to this development. One aspect that has received large international interest is the lay instructed driver training from 16 years of age supervised by parents. This has been in use since 1993. Another is the development of mandatory courses, such as an introduction for the learner and the lay instructor, a "risk awareness" courses dealing specifically with speeding, seat belt use, drunk driving, tiredness, and driving on low friction. The presentation will share some of the "vision zero" fundaments together with the latest experiences, research and development concerning driver education in Sweden.
Mobil sein zählt zu den Grundbedürfnissen und im Rahmen des westlichen Wertesystems zu den Grundrechten von Menschen. Dies gilt umso mehr, je mobiler die Gesamtgesellschaft wird und je mehr Menschen im Zuge der demographischen Entwicklung zum Kreis der "älteren Menschen" zählen. Dementsprechend wertet der dritte Bericht zur Lage der älteren Generation in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland den Erhalt der Mobilität im Alter als Basis für die "Erschließbarkeit der verschiedensten Ressourcen der Außenwelt" und als "entscheidenden Faktor von Lebensqualität im Alter", d.h. Aufrechterhaltung der Unabhängigkeit der Lebensführung durch Bewahrung von Fertigkeiten inkl. der Ermutigung zur Mobilität spielt für Ältere eine besonders wichtige Rolle. Die Entwicklung von Interventionsansätzen zur Förderung einer lebenslangen, sicheren Mobilität älterer Menschen stellt eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Herausforderung dar. Dementsprechend lebendig ist die Diskussion über Möglichkeiten ältere Verkehrsteilnehmer/innen in der Erhaltung ihrer Mobilität zu unterstützen und die Forschungsaktivität auf diesem Gebiet. Im Vortrag werden u. a. folgende Bereiche thematisiert: - Senioren stellen keine homogene Gruppe dar; dieses gut erforschte Faktum gilt auch für ihr Mobilitätsverhalten, aber auch für das Risikoverhalten. Ältere Menschen sind durch ausgesprochene Vielfalt mobilitätsbezogener Erwartungen, Verhaltensmuster und Lebensstile charakterisiert. - Die gegenwärtig durchaus wachsende positive Bewertung und Einstellung gegenüber Alter und Altern muss bei der Entwicklung neuer Sicherheitsmodelle berücksichtigt werden, gar Vorteil sollte daraus gezogen werden. - Um höhere Straßenverkehrssicherheit - nicht nur für Ältere - zu erreichen, ist eine stärkere Orientierung auf schwache, ungeschützte, vulnerable Verkehrsteilnehmer notwendig. - Teilnahme am Straßenverkehr ist Ergebnis eines lebenslangen Lernprozesses. Mobilitätsgewohnheiten, die während des Lebenslaufes erworben wurden, werden auch im Alter (unter Einsatz diverser Kompensationsstrategien) zum Großteil beibehalten. - Technologische Systeme (z.B. Telematik) können Mobilitätsplanung erleichtern und (bis zu einem gewissen Grad) Verluste in Fertigkeiten und Fähigkeiten zur Verkehrsteilnahme kompensieren und auf diese Weise zur Unfallreduktion beitragen. Die Alterssensitivität der Systeme muss ein zentraler Entwicklungsbereich sein. - Es sollte eine sehr viel stärkere Beteiligung der Älteren an der Entwicklung, Einführung und Implementation von verkehrsbezogenen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und neuen Technologien ermöglicht werden. - Augenmerk sollte auch auf "alternative" Mobilitätsformen gelenkt werden: Smart Modes (zu Fuß gehen, Radfahren). Auch die Nutzung des ÖPNV sollte dadurch erleichtert werden, dass er so "benutzerfreundlich" wie nur möglich wird. - Ältere haben weiterhin ein hohes Interesse an und eine positive Einstellung zu Lernen, Übung und Training. Dies gilt auch für technischen Fortschritt und moderne Entwicklungen bezüglich der Straßenverkehrssicherheit. - Wenn Verkehrssicherheitsmaßnahmen implementiert werden, sollten die Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten dergestalt genutzt werden, dass sie für die verschiedenen Lebenssituationen und Lebensstile der Älteren angemessen sind. "Neue" Medien können dabei durchaus in Betracht gezogen werden. Fachdisziplinen wie Politikwissenschaft, Verkehrswesen, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Raumplanung, Architektur, Soziologie, Medizin, Psychologie, Pädagogik, Rechtswissenschaften, Ökonomie und Ökologie müssen künftig kooperieren, um einen Synergie-Effekt im Bereich der Mobilitätsförderung und der Verkehrssicherheitsarbeit für ältere Verkehrsteilnehmer und Verkehrsteilnehmerinnen zu erzielen. Dabei ist eine enge, interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit notwendig - ebenso wie ein vorurteilsfreier Umgang der Menschen miteinander in unserer Gesellschaft.
Before 2002, France was in the queue of Europeans countries in terms of road safety results because of the low density of population and the faulty behaviour of French due itself to a very low level of traffic law enforcement Even if there were signs of the change of mind in France towards road safety before, the turning point was in summer 2002, when the President declared road safety as a priority work during his mandate. The more symbolic measure was the decision to settle an automatic speed control system (700 fixed and 300 mobile). Over three years, the average speed on French roads decreased by 5 km/h and the number of fatalities on road turned down from an average of 8000 deaths per year to 5 300, which represents a decrease of more than 34 %. For the next months, we anticipate that, as many drivers have kept loosing points on their driving licence through light speed violations, this will lead drivers to check their speed and the speed limits more systematically as loosing points on one's driving license has longer time effects than paying a fine. Consequently, we expect a decrease of 10 % to 15% of fatalities in 2006, which is a very good result if we compare with the trend of the last twenty five years (about 2,3 %). The reverse effect of this system that lies on the changes of behaviour of the majority is that, there is more and more discontent against the system taking into account that automatic speed control system allows only a minor tolerance above limits and that local speed limits are not always adapted to local infrastructure and traffic conditions. Another weakness of the system is that motorcyclists are too rarely caught by the system; the system is being gradually improved by placing the new speed cameras in position of taking photographs of the back of the vehicle. But this would not be sufficient to reduce the speed of motorcyclists that are a very high risk group (16% of fatalities for 0,8 % of traffic) For alcohol, there is no easy route for progress: all what is done nowadays is toward festive impaired driving (through designating sober drivers or mass alcohol preventive screenings) although there is not enough done towards chronic alcoholic driving.
Motorcycle safety research
Honda- global motorcycle sales exceeded the 10 million units mark since 2004, and further expansion is expected. As a responsibility for a company to provide mobility, Honda is focusing on motorcycle safety as top priority and has been working on various activities for both aspects of hardware and software. Here, we present Honda- activity for the safety technology of motorcycles. At present, Honda is promoting motorcycle safety in the four themes of prevention and collision safety such as safety education, recognition assistance, accident prevention and injury reduction. First, in the area of the safety education, the "Honda Safety Driving Promotion Center" was established in 1970, and motorcycle riders and vehicle driver trainings have been organized, and the traffic training centers are used as an actual practice field not only in Japan but also in many other regions in the world. Through our training activities, the new area of safety training with hardware assistance was developed and Honda- unique technology was accumulated such as the riding simulator which can provide experience of potentially dangerous situations without risk. Especially, the "riding trainer", the popular version of the riding simulator, was introduced at several motor shows in various countries and launched in September 2005. It was distributed first in Europe and is expected to expand globally aiming at 3000 units worldwide.. And in Europe, the newest version, which includes the suburban roads program, jointly developed with ADAC, will be released in near future. In the area of recognition assistance, "vehicle to vehicle communication technology" is under development using the advantage of being a manufacturer of both motorcycles and cars. This technology is under research as Honda "ASV-3" in Japan, and as part of C2C activity in Europe. As for the accident prevention, advanced brake systems for motorcycles to assist more effective brake operation have been expanded, Honda signed the European Road Safety Charter in April 2004 with the advanced brake systems commitment and furthermore, they are expanding according to vehicle characteristics and region. Then all models above 250 cc will have a version of the system by 2010. And as the last theme, "motorcycle airbag system" is introduced which is equipped on a mass production motorcycle for the first time in the world. It has been researched and developed for a long time as an injury reduction technology for collision accidents. Honda automobile technology was used for the research and development of the motorcycle airbag, and many specific issues such as the analysis of the collision conditions particular to motorcycles have been solved to realize today- success. It might be known that ADAC in-house crash test held in August this year confirmed the high effectiveness of the airbag system and showed a positive result. This motorcycle airbag system is equipped to the Honda Gold Wing and launched in North America in August, 2006. Also in Europe, it will be sold by the end of this year. Each theme of Honda motorcycle safety technology can be seen at the Honda booth.